
System Requirements

Auto Install

While setting up Story Protocol, you will be asked for your Moniker name and the port number you want to use. After entering this information, you can successfully set up the Story Protocol Iliad testnet network.

bash <(wget -qO-

Check Logs for story-geth and story

sudo journalctl -u story-geth -f -o cat
sudo journalctl -u story -f -o cat

Synchronization Check

To check if your synchronization is complete, you can enter the following command. When entering the command, don't forget to replace '<portnumber>' with the port number you provided during setup. If you receive a 'False' output, you can proceed with the next steps.

curl localhost:<portnumber>657/status | jq

Export Wallet

story validator export --export-evm-key

Get wallet key and import to Metamask wallet

sudo nano ~/.story/story/config/private_key.txt

Import the private key of your validator wallet into your MetaMask wallet. Then, use the faucet to request IP test tokens.

Faucet :

Register validator

story validator create --stake 1000000000000000000 --private-key $(cat $HOME/.story/story/config/private_key.txt | grep "PRIVATE_KEY" | awk -F'=' '{print $2}')

Last updated